2009年7月28日 星期二

Club officers 2009.7-2010.6

You also can contact all the club officers by sending to the group e-mail at dl-ace-tm-ofcr@asml.com

The first meeting of the ASML Toastmasters Club was a big success!


We met on Tuesday, June 30, at 6PM, with 26 people in attendance plus guests from our Toastmaster sponsors. Our Sergeant-at-Arms, Claire, provided refreshments. Our President Frank kicked off the meeting with a welcome to all and introductions, then handed control over to guest Henson Wang, who led us through a fun series of word games. After that, we advanced to the real purpose of the evening: the speeches. Our very first speakers were Johnson Chang and Anna Shiau, who introduced themselves and kept us entertained.
Next, after reports from our Timer and Ah-counter, we had the Table Topics section of the meeting, in which four speakers gave impromptu short speeches, answering questions presented to them by guest Justin Wu. Tony Chao slipped in to watch, and Justin called him up to answer one of the questions! In answer to "describe yourself in one sentence", Tony told us that he is basically an introvert and that speaking in public was once hard for him. We all know how well Tony does at any kind of public speaking, so this provides a perfect illustration of how practice really does make a difference. We finished up with Evaluations of each of the prepared speeches, then another report from the Timer and Ah-counter (even the evaluators get feedback). Finally, we had General and Language Evaluations, and then the awards:
Best Prepared Speaker: Anna Shiau
Best Table Topic Speaker:
Best Session Master: Henson Wang (guest)
Best Evaluator: Kevin Lin (guest)
Our next meeting is on July 21; future meetings will be held the first and third Tuesdays of each month. Anyone interested in joining is welcome to come to the meeting: Claire will send out more information later about location (it will be in this building).
Thanks to all who participated in our very first Toastmasters Session:
Toastmaster of the Meeting: Frank Chen
Timer: Claire Choi
Vote Counter: Vicky Huang
Ah-Counter: Renee Chen
Variety Session Master: Henson Wu (guest)
Speaker 1: Johnson Chang
Speaker 2: Anna Shiau
Table Topics Session Master: Justin Wu (guest)
Table Topics Speakers: Bernie Kuo; Renee Chen; Kelvin Pao; Tony Chao
Evaluator 1: Kevin Lin (guest)
Evaluator 2: Sunny Tseng (guest)
General Evaluator: Mike Wang
Language Evaluator: Paula Berman
Club Officers:
President: Frank Chen; VP Education: Paula Berman; VP Membership: CT Kao; VP Public Relations: Renee Chen; Club Secretary: Sonia Lo; Club Treasurer: Anna Shiau; Sergeant at Arms: Claire Choi.